Jonathan Guevara
  • Biology
  • Class of 2018
  • Hempstead, NY

Jonathan Guevara Awarded Biology Research Grant

2018 Feb 1

Biology major Jonathan Guevara '18, of Hempstead, New York, recently received an $800 grant from the TriBeta Biological Honor Society to support his research with biofuels, discovering new ways to produce renewable energy.

"I chose this project because it's not just relevant to microbiologists," said Guevara. "Renewable energy has political and economical ramifications that impact people way beyond the science community."

Guevara is the first from the lab of Assistant Professor of Biology Javier Izquierdo to receive an award from TriBeta, which is dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biology and scientific research.

"I am very lucky to work with students who love what they do," said Izquierdo. "They care so deeply about their research projects, so this kind of recognition means the world."